I'm writting a big asignment for the moment. About branding. About expansion. About a company's use of social media. So I decided to start an experiment. An experiement on how to stand out in the social media crowd.
But what is social media? Well, this is... And all the other millions and millions of blogs, twitter accounts, facebook pages, facebook fanpages, groups and events, regular websites, impressing websites, pop-up sites, foras and so on..... and so on. And still you read that companies just started to realize the importance of these?
Or how important are they actually? Is it already passé before it really began? I believe social media has come to stay, but as it is with every new tendance that have gotten so popular that everyone are a part of it - active or passive - it starts to be boring, predictable and rather crowded.
If any company open a facebook account or makes a blog, it simply dissapear in the big black social media sea - unless you are of course Lady Gaga or Manchester United. Social Media is not a direct way to get new clients/followers/fans but rather a way to nurse the ones you already have. In an indirect way that will of course attract new followers as well. The question is just how to keep their attention?
By updating your page every day? They all do that. By asking questions to activate your users? They all do that. By making it personal and intimate to make your followers feel special? They all do that. Competitions? They all....... I'm exhausted
You have to find the key to stand-out. To do what the others don't do. The issue you have to solve at any point where the new becomes the obvious.
But but but... without a mind reader machine or other fancy gadgets you - in this case I - will have to ask the users themselves. Because only they/you/we can give a clue about what entertain us enough to return to the same place again... and again.
As a company you feel blinded by the options and a research of trends in the social media is out-of-date the week after. So what is missing on the market? I can't see what's not there, but maybe you can help me out?
So tell me...
What do you miss?
What do you need? What do you want?
What works for you? What doesn't?
Please do comment on this post - in the true spirit of social media I'll absolutly love to hear from ALL of you. Small, tall...footballer or fashionista... Housewife or nomad... Crazy f**k or solid... I'm dying to read it!
You'll be hearing more from me soon again
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ReplyDeleteI personally think there is too much linking to other pages, posting random pictures and too little of the bloggers actual opinion. "These shoes are super cool" - is just not enough in the long run.
Or not?
I generally don't follow anything on social networks. What I want from companies on the web is news, and I might as well get that from a domain specific news provider with an iGoogle RSS feed app.
ReplyDeleteDearest Krio.....
ReplyDeleteI totally agree on what you said here in your extra comment! It needs to be more in-depth when you read these descriptions.
I personally LOVE the use of social networks and when companies know how to use em! BUT posting pictures is not enough. I would like a real person behind the screen to update what´s going on - and doing this in a humouristic way - IF it suits the brand! Hmmm.. maybe I should be more specific..?
Well I just LOVE monki.com/television! Maybe you can sorta see my point by watching that..?
Keep up the good work! Very exiting I think...
Lene Nehlsen
I also really don't follow the social networks as bloggers. (I only read this because of you sweety;) But for me facebook could work.. If one of my friends, which I think normal have good taste, post something new on facebook, I would check it out.. Otherwise probably not. The thing I thing probably would be most affective when using the social media is probably alllllll the advertisment on these pages. Sometimes it gets my attention, but but... Not very often. Most days I just find it very annoying. But we do use the onlne network more and more, so of course it would be obvious for the companies to use this.. But maybe it would be possible to find more relevant places to advertise..
ReplyDeleteBut I also think that it can be possible to use all the linking and sharing as a tool..! Spred the news can be very effective, and is normally cheap... But of course. It can be! Again I think the companies need to think about what channels they use...
ReplyDeleteI think its a difficult question...As you say, I can´t see whats not there...Maybe its because im personally not a big fan of social media. I think that Facebook is on its way out. It is not special and specific enough...
ReplyDeleteAnd as you say,- bloggers should say their personal and real opinion once in a while, to give their blogs more credibility...When every item they show is "nice or cool", it doesn´t give a picture of what is not...Don´t know if it makes any sense:)
I think that there is to much clutter on facebook and in general on social medias. So doing a fansite at facebook is´nt innovative al all, every company does it. A
ReplyDeletes you say is your self, everything is there, so unless you come up with some brilliant idea, like the people who invented facebook, twitter and so on, you really can´t bring anything new. Therefore you should work with the communication tools that already exist and find out which suits your brand best and maybe do some scenarios...
Tak for spændende debat :)
ReplyDeleteDet er yderst sjældent jeg følger med på blogs. Til gengæld laver min kæreste ikke andet, når han står over for at købe et nyt produkt. Han vælger altid at følge med i debatter om et produkt, inden han køber det. Måske jeg bare er mere impulsiv, og køber tingene hvis jeg selv har en god fornemmelse?
Men hvad skal der så ting for at fange min opmærksomhed? Den er svær! Lige nu tilføjer jeg min del til denne debat - udelukkende for at hjælpe til Krissers projekt. Hmm.. det skal altså gøre gavn endten for mig eller for en anden, at jeg detager i debatter på internettet?
Faktisk tror jeg, at jeg ville være mere aktiv i en debat, hvis den kunne foregå over mobilos. Kunne være fedt hvis man kunne downloade en app der indeholdte en masse forskellige debatter man kunne "tilmelde" sig. På den måde kunne man få en sms når der blev skrevet noget nyt, og man kunne læse det med det samme, og tænke over hvad mit næste indlæg skal være.
Mit problem er også lidt, at jeg ikke er så god til at bruge en masse tid på at sidde med min computer. Det interesserer mig ikke at bruge tid på at læse en laaaaang debat, og give et laaaangt bud på min holdning. På mobilen kunne det gøres kort, nemt og hurtigt.
Jeg er ikke tøse-pigen,der ELSKER at debatere om tøj, smykker og make-up. Slet ikke.
Til gengæld.. når verden/Danmark står over for en forfærdelig historie (Osama Bin Ladens død (dog ikke forfærdelig), Holger væk i skoven, kano kændring med skoleelever osv.)- SÅ har jeg altid en mening jeg gerne vil ud med, og det er absolut ikke altid at mine nærmeste gider at høre på den hele tiden, og værst af alt... de gider aldrig DISKUTERE det med mig. Sådan nogle debatter ville jeg være bedre til at være en del af, fordi det er sådanne områder der får min hjerne til at tænke over tingene.
Jeg har en "fordom" om, at når man tilmelder sig en konkurrence på internettet - så modtager man kontant et nyhedsbrev på sin e-mail. Og det er selvom man har sat flueben i "nej tak, ingen nyhedsmails". Så ud med konkurrencer og ind med debatter om katastrofer.
Man skal passe lidt på med de sociale medier. Det er selvfølgelig godt at man kan få "venner" på Facebook, og det er fint at man kan debatere om vigtige emner på blogs. Men vi er mennesker, og vi burde have familie, venner og veninder der var gode nok til at indfri dette behov.
Jeg er jo en af dem der er bekymrede for, om mine børn aldrig får legekamerater med hjem, fordi de alle er fra sociale medier. Har lige indset jeg måske er lidt gammeldags.. damn :)
Jeg tænker også, at vi mennesker har et større og større behov for at komme med vores mening (hvilket er godt), og hvis vi alle skulle komme med meninger til hinanden konstant, kunne vi ikke lave andet. Så det er nok meget godt at internettet hiver alt ud af os, så vi kan komme af med det - og et sted hen hvor læserne faktisk også gider "høre" om det.
Very exiting assignment and very hot right now. Most companies are really searching in blind how to use these new social medias. Companies should not use these medias as advertising but for networking and innovation - so they can get the new trends, ideas, creativity from people so the company can be the first mover in innovation and creating new and better products. There has to be a person from the company to act immediately on all communication from people so you really feel you are in direct contact.